Who are we?


Mike Jensen

LLB, BEc, Grad Dip (IR), Diploma in Mediation, Cert IV Training and Assessment, Dip. Front Line Management, MBTI, TMS. GENOS Coach & CCL Certified, PROSCI Accredited.

‘In this place we never have real conversations or when we do it’s usually too late’

For more than twenty five years of consulting I have heard this refrain hundreds of times - we don’t have real conversations. The goal for me has always been to get to the Hum where the workplace vibe (I call it the Hum) is engaging and edgy because that’s where people dare to have real conversations. I enjoy working in the space of Conflict because it is an uncomfortable space for many to be in - for me it's the space where pathways can open up and reveal a way forwards that is creative, enlivening, energising and productive.

I am grateful for a rich and varied career where I have been blessed with working in many different roles and industries and have experienced diverse perspectives in: Manufacturing, Corporate Law, Teaching Science programs to Children, Hosting and Coaching the Plain English Speaking awards, Board member of a Charity Organisation (Stand By You), Mental Health (at the Mental Health Legal Centre), Leading teams in NFPs, Change Management in some of the countries largest corporations. I have valued those times I have stepped out of my comfort zone - such as earlier this year when I completed my second course in Improvisation at the Melbourne School of Drama (and experienced again what it is like to be totally out of my depth). And of course, choosing to trek across Spain for 55 days to just feel what it is like to walk away from it all.

Contact us


Mobile:  0414 876 312 (Mike)